If you are planning to import from China, the Canton Fair is the best Guangzhou wholesale opportunity for you to purchase goods. Later you can have them shipped by sea freight or air freight. In this article, we will talk more about this fair and provide top travel tips in Guangzhou for Canton Fair visitors.
1: What is Canton Fair
Every six months, the Canton Fair is held on at China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou. This is the most important Commercial Exhibition Fair in the world. Only in autumn 2019, almost 60 thousand manufacturers and 180,000 visitors were present. Whether you are importing clothes, electronics, or basically any other product from China, visiting this fair is a must!
Further Reading: Canton Fair 2020 Registration Guide for Overseas Buyer
Another important item on the top travel tips in Guangzhou for Canton Fair is to know about the phases:
Phase One: Manufactured Products, Garments and textiles, and Pharmaceutical and foods
2020 Canton Fair – April, Spring will begin on Wednesday, April 15 and ends on Tuesday, May 5
Phase Two: Decoration, Gift items, and daily life products
2020 Canton Fair – October, Autumn will begin on Tuesday, October 15 and ends on Wednesday, November 4
2: Plan your visit to the Canton Fair
Before arriving in Guangzhou, try to make a rough travel plan of how you are going to spend your time at the Fair. Remember, this trading fair is enormous, so it is important to make effective use of your time. Make sure to visit the Canton Fair to make a plan of the fair phase(s) you will attend. Then study the convention hall floor plan to map your path through the event.
While you are visiting the fair, be sure to take water and snacks along with you. According to TripAdvisor, you can eat at any of these restaurants near the fair: Seasonal Tastes, WOK TOO Cafe, Nadaman, Yi Ke, etc.
3: Hotel and Flight Booking
Another important item on the top travel tips in Guangzhou for Canton Fair is to arrive in Guangzhou at least 24 hours before the fair. You want to have enough time to arrive at a hotel and to get yourself familiar with the area. Try to purchase a Simcard on day one, and learn the emergency numbers. 110 for Police, 120 for First-aid Ambulance, and 119 for the Fire Department.
Further Reading: Canton Fair 2020 Schedule and News
Moreover, you want to book a hotel close to the fair venue. This way, you will be able to use your time better in exploring. Booking your hotel as soon as possible is probably the best tip on the top travel tips in Guangzhou for Canton Fair for visitors. Keep in mind that there will be hundreds of thousands of visitors to the fair and you will want to stay close to the venue.
4: Shipping Options
One important tip to keep in mind is to check some cargo freight services in China while you are in Guangzhou. Also, remember to never trust flyer distributors in the area. As there is no way of guaranteeing their legitimacy and most of them are just middlemen between you and the freight company. Now that you know the top travel tips in Guangzhou for Canton Fair for visitors, you can visit this fair and enjoy!