Shipping from China to Tajikistan is a significant matter for all people who want to order products from China. After some significant Chinese economy changes, it has become the most potent hub globally and a real competitor for America. Many experts believe that we will witness that China is in the first position to provide goods for all businesses worldwide.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see many international and local transportation companies in this country. Each of them tries to offer some specific services to attract customers!

This article aims to talk about shipping from China to Tajikistan. In the end, you will have comprehensive information in this field, and you can decide on the future of your business.


Before starting this article about shipping from China to Tajikistan, it is better to know this country altogether. 

The land, which is now known as Tajikistan, was once home to several ancient cultures, some of which have been found in the land’s old site. During the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, different cultures and religions were present in this land, among which we can mention:

  • The Amu Darya civilization
  • Andronovo culture
  • Buddhism
  • Nestorian Christians
  • Mazdisna
  • Manichaeism 
  • Islam

Kings and governments such as the Achaemenid Empire, the Sassanid Empire, the Heptalians, the Samanids, the Mongol Empire, the Timurids, the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Socialist Republic also ruled the land.

Tajikistan eventually became independent after the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991 but was immediately embroiled in a civil war that lasted from 1992 to 1997.

If we want to point to this county’s economy, in 2005, its gross national product was close to $ 2 billion.

Tajikistan Oil and Gas

The Tajik government supplies about 90 percent of its energy need through imports. Most of the country’s oil and gas resources are located in southwestern Tajikistan along the Amu Darya Basin.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Total France and Anglo-Canadian Company and Petroleum have signed an agreement to develop oil and gas fields in Tajikistan. According to Tezis Petroleum, the Bukhtar region is likely to have 3.22 trillion cubic meters of gas and 8.5 billion barrels of oil.

What is the best way of shipping?

Now you know Tajikistan, and it is better to discuss shipping from China to Tajikistan. Before starting, it is better to deal with the most frequent question: 

  • What is the best way of shipping from China?”

As you have ever heard, different factors influence the best way of shipping. If your goods have the following conditions, the best way of shipping is by sea:

  • Goods are weighty 
  • Goods are in a bad or awkward shape 
  • Goods are super large 
  • Goods are more than 200 kg 

A critical advantage of this way is a reasonable price that causes many people to know sea freight the first and last option. 

On the other hand, if you have these conditions:

  • Goods are less than 20 kg 
  • Goods are not very heavy 
  • Goods are general (they are not in the list of the forbidden item by the air regulations)

Airfreight is the best choice for you! Other advantages of this way are flexible time, high speed, and low insurance. 

However, because air freight price is higher than sea freight, many people hesitate to choose this way. We can claim that every person’s budget a fundamental role in determining the best way for the shipping.

Usually, tow services are offered in air freight that they are “Classic and Express.” It is better to know that Express is more expensive than Classic. But it will get to the destination within 1 to 3 business days. 

Door to door shipping from China to Tajikistan 

Door to door is a unique service which is offered by the freight forwarder. This way is possible by air and sea. 

In this way, the freight forwarder picks up the packages from a warehouse in China and delivers them to the customer in a specific destination preferred by the customer. This service has several advantages that the most prominent of them are as below:

  • It saves money 
  • It saves time 
  • It is effortless (because the freight forwarder does all the affairs for you, such as customs clearance, and you can give the goods to the freight forwarder in China and deliver them in the selected country without any stress!!)
  • It is effortless tracking.

Door to port 

In this service, the freight forwarder picks up goods from a warehouse in China and sends it to a specific port preferred by the customer.

Port to Port 

In this service, the freight forwarder takes the goods in a particular port in China and delivers it to a specific port preferred by the customer.

Customs Clearance 

In shipping from China to Tajikistan, customs clearance is an important matter. If you choose the door to door service, all these affairs are done by the freight forwarder. 

In this process, you must pay customs duty. Some countries, due to the agreement between their governments, are exempted from duty. 

Then, customs duties are different for each country. For calculating the customs duty, you have to be familiar with the H.T.S. code (Harmonized Tariff Schedule). The World Customs Organization organizes the H.T.S., and the codes are used to classify goods that are internationally traded. One example is as below:

All this information is on the official website of customs clearance in Tajikistan.

If you ask a freight forwarder to do all these processes for you, you must deliver these document to the freight forwarder: 

  • Commercial Invoice 
  • Packing List 
  • Certificate of Origin 
  • Letter of Credit 
  • Bill of Loading

Sea freight for shipping from China to Tajikistan

Sea freight is one of the best way for freight forwarding. The cost of this way is very reasonable, and it makes many businessmen and businesswomen choose this way. 

The seaports for shipping from China to Tajikistan are as the following:

  • Shenzhen
  • Beijing
  • Hong Kong
  • Xiamen
  • Guangzhou
  • Qingdao
  • Ningbo
  • Tianjin

All packages from China arrive at “Dushanbe” and “Khojand” seaports in Tajikistan.

Airfreight for shipping from China to Tajikistan

Airfreight is a way that fits some conditions. Although it is expensive, it has many advantages. The international airports from China to Tajikistan are:

  • Shenzhen
  • Guangzhou
  • Hong Kong
  • Xiamen
  • Beijing
  • Shanghai

All packages arrive at the Dushanbe International Airport.

How much does it cost shipping from China to Tajikistan?

It is an essential question that almost every person who wants to ship from China asks. It is better to know that the exact answer to this question is not possible. Because the price depends on various factors such as:

  • The way for shipping (by air or sea, if by air classic or Express, if by air or sea door to door or any other services)
  • The nature of goods 
  • The weight of goods

Therefore, if you want to know the exact price, it is better to consult with a reliable freight forwarder. 

Is Alibaba safe to choose a company for shipping from China to Tajikistan?

Absolutely Yes! This website is very reliable, and many prominent companies are on this website. But pay attention to this matter, after connection to a freight forwarding company, you are responsible for all activities happening between you and the company.

This company must be legally registered, and you must have a contract for all actions. It is better to go to the company’s website and read the reviews that customers wrote in the site for that company. It will help you to choose the best one!

Concluding Remarks!

This article tried to talk about all the significant information for shipping from China to Tajikistan. All this information makes freight forwarding easier, and you can choose the best option based on your situation. 


Dear customers

If you need an impressive rate and competitive offer for Door to Door Rail and Trucking service from China to European countries, please contact our Sale Team.

Is shipping from China to Tajikistan expensive?

it depends on the way you choose. sea freight is cheaper than airfreight. but other factors such as the weight of the goods influence on the price!

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