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How to find the best supplier in Alibaba marketplace?

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    Alibaba marketplace is a Chinese multinational technology company, and it is the largest retailer and e-commerce globally.

    Therefore, you can buy many products in this great online company. In other words, this company connects all the Chinese manufacture to customers all over the world. It is something like e-Bay.

    However, this question may come to the mind that is Alibaba marketplace safe or how you can find a safe supplier or seller in this company?

    In this article, we aim to talk about Alibaba marketplace Company. At the end of this article, you will have enough information in this field, and you can decide.

    Is this e-Company safe and legal?

    It is one of the frequent questions that many people ask. It is better to know that the absolute answer to this question is “Yes.” This e-Commerce marketplace has strict rules and regulations.

    However, please pay attention to this matter that it is up to the buyers and sellers to deal the reasonable transactions between themselves.

    There are different ways you must do before trading. One of them is to test the product sample; it will help you to decide better.Error establishing a database connection

    Safe buying from Alibaba marketplace

    This e-Commerce marketplace is full of suppliers. It is an excellent opportunity to have many options.

    But if you want to choose, some consideration must be taken into consideration. In the following, we introduce them.


    This site offers the verification method. It shows that the suppliers are legally registered. Alibaba marketplace, itself, does some inspections to all business which want to join this e-Company.

    When all the verified information is confirmed, this site gives a Gold mark to that business. Then it is essential to buy from companies that have this Gold mark.

    Important Questions 

    After finding some suppliers that you want to deal with them, it is better to contact them to trust more.

    In this step, some questions must be asked. For example, you can ask about products, facilities, and any other related matters. 

    If you are unsure about something, you must ask directly, and when you couldn’t find the correct answer, you must delete it from the list. 

    Ask for samples 

    If you want to buy in a large amount, you should have the samples. It is your right, and you can ask from the suppliers. 

    If you ask different suppliers for the same product, you can choose the best product.

    Check comments

    In Alibaba marketplace, the comments for each supplier are open. They are significant for ranking a supplier. 

    Before start to order some products, it is vital to spend some time and review the comments. 

    Reasonable price 

    When you want to buy something of high quality, you should know that the price must be suitable. You can never purchase high-quality products at low prices. Then, if suppliers offer some products at an unreasonable low price, you should doubt it. 

    Is paying on Alibaba marketplace safe?

    Other frequent questions that are asked by many people is that is the payment process safe?! 

    It is better to know that Alibaba marketplace introduces secure payment methods. Another critical issue is that this e-Commerce marketplace has Trade Assurance.

    It means if the customer does not like the product, she or he can return the product. But all the suppliers do not follow this rule. Then it is a good matter that shows whether this company is reliable or not!

    Different methods of paying 

    As we mentioned before, there are safe ways to pay the money; they are as the following:

    • Secure Payment (it was named Escrow before), the security score is 5 out of 5, it this way, you can pay by this port, the money is kept until the products are delivered to you. If you didn’t receive the products or there are any other problems, you can get the money back.
    • T/T Upfront Bank Transfer, the security is 1 out of 5, the security of this port is low, then never use it until you are sure!
    • Western Union, the security is 0 out of 5, it is the most insecure port in the world. Experts suggest that never use this port because there is no way to recover your money. Pay attention. Never use this port even you trust the suppliers!
    • PayPal, (the security of this port is 4 out of 5), is essential to know that Alibaba marketplace does not support it, but it is safe. Because this programs offers strong regulation for the protection of buyers. It is possible to get the money back if you are not satisfied with the products.
    • Letter of Credit, the security of this port is 4 out of 5; this port is an excellent choice when the money is more than 20000$. 

    Some points before ordering the products

    If you want to order some products in this e-Commerce marketplace, it is better to pay attention to some points.

    They will help you to have a safe trade. You can send your request to suppliers via email or telephone contact. 

    Minimum Order Quantities 

    Every company on this site has a minimum order quantity that you can order. But you can request lower than this list. Experts suggest that it is better to ask for products to a smaller bunch at first. It is significant for creating trust between two parties. 


    Due to this fact that there are many buyers in Alibaba marketplace, it rarely happens a supplier sends the free sample of the products.

    But don’t worry! As you know, the sample of products is very important, and it can result in a big trade.

    You can negotiate with the supplier to the most reasonable price for samples. 

    Besides, it would be best if you asked about the price of mass production.

    Please make clear if you were satisfied with the sample, how many products you need.

    Production time 

    When you want to order some products in a large amount, the time is significant for you. Then it is better to gather some information about it. 

    At the end of this section, we should remind you that Alibaba marketplace is a safe port for business and investment. But it depends on you how to deal with suppliers.

    Is Alibaba marketplace only for ordering high quantities?

    Most transactions in this e-Commerce marketplace are for high quantities, and most suppliers prefer to trade with companies.

    But it doesn’t mean that this site is not for those who want to order in a small amount.

    In registering and making an account on this site, if you don’t have a company, you can put your name in the company’s name. Then enter this site and order. 

    Pay attention to this matter that you usually can’t buy single products on this site; you can order the sample if you need it. Or you can find a small supplier. They will offer single products.

    Final words

    In this article, we try to explain all the process of having a safe trade. It is better to use all these techniques before doing any transactions. In this regard, you can have fair trade.

    Can I have a safe buying in Alibaba marketplace?

    Absolutely Yes. it is a prominent market for selling products and annually many trades are done successfully in it.

    Is it to safe to pay on Alibaba marketplace?

    Yes. it is safe to pay. it depends on which port you choose.

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