Among various ways of international transportation, airfreight is an unforgettable experience that has revolutionized the transportation world. However, this method is not limited to passengers, and many goods are transited through it. 

In different airfreight types, new methods are used to comfort passengers and easy transportation of goods.

This article aims to talk about all the essential matters for airfreight service. In the end, you will be full of comprehensive information in this field. 

What is meant by airfreight?

Air transport plays a significant role in countries’ business, often as an economic growth indicator. The development of aviation has also made more significant progress today with the improvement of cultural and social services, the expansion of economic activities, the increase of regional employment, and tourism development. 

The development of air transport depends not only on natural, economic, and social factors but also on political and legal decisions and applying financial and executive rules and regulations. 

For this reason, reviewing legislation and removing many restrictive administrative regulations has always been a factor in expanding the airline’s operations worldwide. The pace of change and advancement of aviation technology is inevitable with the development of aviation industry technology in infrastructure planning.

Airfreight or cargo is transported by particular aircraft such as giant Beluga or Antonov 225 from country to destination. It can be the exact meaning of air transportation. 

Different Types of airfreight

The type of air transit is determined based on three critical factors:

  • Volume of goods
  • Delivery time
  • Price

However, it is better to know that none of them is superior to the other. In other words, it can be said that each of them is used depending on the needs of individuals and provides the possibility of easy movement of goods or passengers.

In principle, by knowing these methods’ characteristics, you should choose the best option for transporting your goods!

Besides, the costs and value of goods transported, their size and weight should be evaluated; therefore, if the product is gold or banknotes, you should choose the safest air transportation method.

Charter flight (both passengers and goods)

When all the seats on an airplane are given to one airline, it is called a charter flight. For example, when an airline charters a flight route such as China-Tokyo for a certain period, it is called a China-Tokyo charter flight. These flights are usually used for busy routes so that tickets can be booked at any time.

This transportation method chooses the shortest routes to travel for not getting stuck in air traffic. Private and tourism agencies use charter flights, and other agencies such as sports clubs, government agencies, and offices can book this service for their staff. The most important advantages of the charter method are the following:

  • Cost savings
  • Shorter route than other types of air transport
  • Possibility of the group booking
  • Case of long-term reservation; for example, three months
  • Lease the aircraft for a specified period

Commercial flight

Another type of airfreight is the commercial transit method. In this method, only goods are moved, but the transportation has special rules and principles determined by ICAO International Airlines. Transportation of goods is done in two ways: 

  • Cargo
  • Ferrite

The first method is more cost-effective. 

In cargo ( a commercial method ), the goods are shipped on masse. This method is performed by special cargo planes, and it is done under safety standards.

Ferrite is also used to transport goods that are intended for long-distance travel and are not commercial. For this purpose, they must use aircraft that can carry their cargo in this way. Usually, most passenger planes can take goods by ferrite!

How to transit our goods by airfreight?

Now that you are familiar with the various airfreight methods, it is better to know how to transit goods. For transit of goods, you should go to one of the airline agencies and send your goods to the relevant destination by filling out the application form and paying the fee.

Dangerous goods by airfreight

Dangerous goods are items and materials that endanger the health of the aircraft. Carrying such items must be under the guidelines of the “International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)” and the “Association of Airlines (IATA).” 

Hazardous materials and goods must be packed according to international conditions and rules of airfreight. This packaging must be of high quality and with a safe structure to prevent leakage in the conditions of temperature and humidity changes, pressure, and vibration. 

Each package must have a suitable label, a relevant logo, and it must have symbols such as:

  • The international number for hazardous substances UN number
  • Businesses requesting for transporting of dangerous goods and DGR 

The customer is obliged to provide the following international documents for the freight forwarder for dangerous goods by airfreight:

  • Certificate for the safe transport of goods
  • Certificate of origin
  • Material safety data sheet

What package size is vital for airfreight service?

If you want to choose this way, it is essential to know all the detailed information. Airfreight are ideal methods for these conditions:

  • When goods are under 200 kg 
  • When goods aren’t in bad shape

It is better to remember that this way is not suitable for super large cargo. In airfreight, goods can be transported in the Express or Classic method. In Express, all goods arrive between 1 to 3 business days at the destination, but it takes 4 to 8 business days in a second way.

Door to door shipping service by airfreight

Door to door shipping service is an excellent way for goods transportation done by air or sea. As airfreight is expensive; therefor many people prefer other ways. It depends on the customer to choose one of these ways in the door to door shipping service. 

All you have to do is to go to one of the reliable companies and send your goods to the relevant destination by filling out the application form and paying the fee. This method is very safe and very efficient. 

The prominent advantages of the door to door shipping service in airfreight are as below:

  • Transit cargo to all parts of the country and the world
  • Enjoy high speed in intercity service and transportation
  • Calculate the cost of cargo based on the weight and size of the goods, which saves costs
  • Inquire about the status of the load via SMS and email

What is an airfreight forwarder?

A freight forwarder is a person who takes all goods in one country and transports them to the preferred destination by the customer. Duties of airfreight forwarder are:

  • Consult to the customer for export shipments and transportation 
  • Establish the necessary facilities to receive the cargo, and deliver it to the airline
  • Arrange shipping documents by the carrier line, completing the timetable, determining shipping and shipping costs, and checking documents such as the seller’s invoice and business list
  • Ensure the customer provides the confirmation of proper packaging for the transport of dangerous goods under IATA regulations and that the line is delivered
  • Arrange plans for transporting and reserving space for the transported cargo, arranging and communicating the transport schedule to the airline
  • Provide insurance coverage, at the request of the customer, provided that he pays the insurance premium
  • Cargo consolidation is one of the most important things that a cargo carrier can do in air transport. This method uses one loader to collect separate shipments from different shippers, then pack them in one or more air containers, and convert them into a larger unit of cargo, which increases weight and volume. 
  • A freight forwarder can also provide services such as warehouse-to-warehouse or door-to-door transportation by being in constant contact with different airlines and being informed of various flight schedules.

Steps of the imported declaration for airfreight

The imported declaration steps are as follows:

  • Enter the owner information
  • Acceptance of the declaration of the owner of the goods by the air customs
  • Customs controls
  • Payment of customs duties and clearance of goods

How do I track an airfreight shipment?

An airfreight tracking is very effortless. You should click on the airline name and then go to the tracking part of the site. In this step, you should enter the AWB-number. All information will appear on the site. 

Concluding Remarks 

In this article, we tried to cover all the necessary information about airfreight. We advise you before choosing this way, consult with professional freight forwarders.


Dear customers

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Is airfreight expensive?

Although airfreight is expensive compared to sea freight, it has some benefits that must be taken into consideration! it is fast and very safe. the time of goods transportation is very flexible.

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